Infant crying is normal

Infant crying is normal and it will stop.
Babies start to cry more frequently from around 2 weeks of age. The crying may get more frequent and last longer. After 8 weeks of age babies start to cry less each week.
Babies cry for many reasons. They are hardwired to cry whenever they need a parent to help them. This is because their brains have yet to develop the circuits that allow for self-control or understanding. Crying is meant to be upsetting for a parent. Crying is Nature’s way of making sure they pay attention quickly.
A cry might signal many things, discomfort and startle are common examples. Sometimes, babies cry for no reason at all and sometimes they cry and just cannot be settled. This may be upsetting for both baby and parent, but it causes no harm and will eventually stop.
After about 5 months the experts say that crying becomes more ‘purposeful’. That means after 5 months of age, your baby is more likely to be crying for a reason.
When you have checked your baby’s needs and you have tried the comforting methods you have found worked before, your baby may go on crying. This means that their distress and your distress just add on to each other. When this happens, and it will, all you can really do is cope with the crying as much as you can and manage the feelings of stress. Knowing that this is a normal phase and that it will pass will help you.
It is a good idea to have a think about how you can help yourself to cope at this time before it happens. That’s better than waiting for it to happen. Think about the following things and you may want to write them down
- Who can I go to for help with crying?
- What will I do if I need a few minutes to myself?
- What makes me feel better?
- What makes me feel calm?
Pause at the door
Practice pausing at the door. A great tool to help you make sure you are ready to enter the baby’s room and offer care.
Before entering check the 3 C’s.
- Can I be careful?
- Am I calm?
- Will I be caring?
A quick check each time you enter the baby’s room will help you know if you need to take a few minutes before seeing to your baby’s crying.