It’s OK to walk away

It’s OK to walk away if you have checked the baby is safe and the crying is getting to you. After a few minutes when you are feeling calm, go back and check on the baby.
It’s ok to walk away if you have checked the baby is safe and the crying is getting to you. After a few minutes when you are feeling calm, go back and check on the baby.
Not being able to stop a baby crying does not mean you are doing anything wrong, or that you have a ‘bad’ or ‘naughty’ baby.
Think about how you might take your mind off the crying. Make sure that the baby is safe before walking away. Then you must go back to check on the baby after a few minutes, when you feel yourself calming down. It is important as parents to find time for yourselves to help you cope through, what can be, a stressful time.
A baby’s cry is designed to get your attention. It might feel like it’s driving you crazy, but actually you can cope. If you think your baby is poorly, of course, see a health professional. If you’ve done all the normal checks, the baby is not ill and if you feel yourself reaching that point of stress – take a break! It’s OK to walk away if the baby is safe and the crying is getting to you. Remember this will pass – the crying will stop.