Comforting methods can help

Comfort methods can sometimes soothe the baby and the crying will stop.
Think are they: hungry, tired, or in need of a nappy change? Try simple calming techniques such as singing to the baby or going for a walk.

Babies can cry for different reasons like when they are hungry, wet/dirty or if they are unwell. Sometimes babies can also cry for no reason.

Check these basic needs and try some simple calming techniques. Some of these will work for your baby, some may not work and some may increase the crying. Something that worked for your baby yesterday, may not work today. It can be so frustrating but it really is just about staying calm, knowing your baby, and understanding this is normal. You are not a bad parent, and this is a phase that will pass.

Try these…

Talk calmly to your baby. Stroke them gently. Try placing your baby face down on your lap, or hold them against you and try stroking their back gently up and down.
Hum or sing to your baby. Let them hear a repeating, constant and soothing sound. Classical music, including piano and guitar, can sometimes soothe some babies.
Hold them close – skin to skin.
Go outside with your baby and walk them in a pram or in a baby sling. The rocking motion can be very soothing for a baby. If you can’t go outside try a gentle rocking motion inside. Walk around whilst gently rocking your baby.
Sucking can help relieve a baby’s crying. If offering the breast is not possible, a dummy can soothe a baby.  This can be given after 4 weeks for babies who are breastfeeding, or at any time if the baby is formula fed.
Try giving them a warm bath.

Not all of these will work all of the time but remember – that’s ok

Stay calm, this phase will pass

How to comfort your baby

When should you worry about a baby’s crying?

Medical professionals will always be prepared to see your baby if you have serious worries. You should seek urgent help from medical professionals if you notice your baby has any of these:

  • A rash that does not fade when you press a glass against it. This needs URGENT medical help and may be meningitis. More information can be found here
  • A fit (seizure or convulsion);
  • A cry that doesn’t sound normal, like a very high-pitched cry;
  • Breathing is a struggle or noisy or unusually fast;
  • Skin is greyish, mottled, blue or unusually pale;
  • When you check their temperature it is high:
    • Babies UNDER 3 months: 38º C/ 100.4º F;
    • Babies BETWEEN 3 – 6 months: 39º C/ 102.2º F.