ICON Partner With SAPHNA
The first phase of the ICON programme includes primary preventative touch points within the first six to eight weeks of a baby’s life when all babies start to cry more. Now that this phase of the programme is becoming more embedded within the country, we are now keen to push forward with the next phase of the programme which includes reaching out to young people in high school to ensure they get the message so they too can cope with a baby’s crying when they are caring for siblings, babysitting or looking after their own children.
This has always been a recommendation for the programme development and now is the time for us to start exploring it at pace. The ICON National Steering Group is looking forward to working in collaboration with SAPHNA in driving forward this important work to support parents and protect babies.
Sharon White OBE, CEO of the School and Public Health Association commented: “The School and Public Health Nurses Association (www.saphna.co), welcome the opportunity to work more closely with the ICON programme. School nurses are ideally placed to raise awareness with our young people yet to become or who are parents, those who have baby siblings or family members and those who may play a babysitting or caring role.
“The programme provides opportunity for School nurses to better understand the impact of a crying baby and opportunities for prevention, early help and intervention; this will, in turn, enable them to raise awareness in their contact with school aged populations. The resources, including the lesson plan, will be usefully used as part of 1:1, family or/and group sessions and are a good fit with the new DfE statutory Relationship and Sex Education/Health Education curriculum in which School nurses have a pivotal role.
“We look forward to supporting this programme and, more importantly, safeguarding our children, young people and families.”